Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why Shrek is a Bad Movie

There are several reasons why Shrek is a bad movie.  First, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as the quirky and cowardly dragon from Mulan line-for-line as Donkey, who is quirky and cowardly.  Second, the graphics on the movie are a little less quality than the movies Pixar puts out, which means that there's no reason to see the movie when you could just watch The Incredibles or Monsters, Inc. or Toy Story or Finding Nemo or any of the other way way better Pixar movies instead.  Third, the dialogue and gags try very hard to remind you that Shrek is PG and not G, with fart jokes and the it-got-old-quick interrupting-a-swear-word trick (like when the singing marionettes tell you to wash your.... face); the effect is that Shrek screams in your face "I'M EDGY, BUT NOT GOOD EDGY.... JEFF DUNHAM EDGY (that guy also tries too hard)."

I write this because some people my age like that movie.  It's not like enjoying Dirty Work, which was a bad movie that one can like without being embarrassed.  It's like choosing Harry Potter over Lord of the Rings.  You know, John Wayne Gacy liked Harry Potter too.

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